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Cryopak Partners with Héma-Québec to Patent a Method for Rapidly Cooling Blood for Collection and Storage

Cryopak Partners with Héma-Québec to Patent a Method for Rapidly Cooling Blood for Collection and Storage

Edison, NJ – October 17, 2012 – Cryopak, leader in temperature controlled package design and manufacturing, recently partnered with Héma-Québec to co-patent a new method for rapidly cooling blood to 22 degrees C for effective collection and storage.


The method (“Rapid cooling to and maintaining of whole blood at 20 to 24C for processing”) was developed using Cryopak’s popular phase change product, the Phase 22™ pouch. Upon donation blood is at normal human body temperature and needs to be cooled to room temperature for initial transport and storage. The method involves re-usable pouches filled with Phase 22 that are wrapped around the unit of blood at the time of collection. The Phase 22 removes the heat from the blood equalizing its temperature with the phase change temperature of the PCM.


This is the most effective method on the market to accomplish this task and is now used by Héma-Québec in its blood collection process. This patented method is available in the United States from Cryopak.